Diego Varela Pedreira
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I am associate professor, habilitated to supervise doctoral research, in the department of political science, international relations and European studies of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi. I completed my studies of economics in Spain, including an Erasmus semester in Finland and two months in Brazil as a scholar of the Spanish agency for international co-operation. I continued my graduate studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, from which I earned an MSc in European studies (with distinction) in 1998, and a PhD in government in 2002 under the supervision of Simon Hix, funded by scholarships from Fundación Caixagalicia, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, The British Council, and Fundación Ramón Areces. In this period I was also a Robert Schuman scholar in the DG for Research of the European Parliament in Luxembourg.
I founded the EUROSCI Network in 2016, the same year in which I earned a Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Economy at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi. Prior to that, I had also set up and coordinated Universidade da Coruña's International Summer School (2014-2016), and founded and edited the European Journal of Government and Economics (2012-2016). I have also been a visiting professor at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, and the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. I am the author of two books, on The government of the EU (2007, in Spanish, and 2008, in Romanian), and Population policy (2016, in Romanian). I am married and have two sons. Besides my family, my interests lie in the field of international politics.